National Land Code Amendment Act 2016

Defamation amendment act 2016 37.
National land code amendment act 2016. The solomon islands national sports council amendment act 1992. Whereas it is expedient for the purpose only of ensuring uniformity of law and policy that the national land code be amended. 2 this act comes into operation in each state on a date to be appointed by the minister with the approval of the national land council by notification in the gazette of the federation and the minister may with the approval of the national land. Civil aviation amendment act 2016 34.
The 1993 appropriation act 1992. Briefing by departments of transport economic development 21 september 2016 national land transport amendment bill b7 2016. Cybercrime code act 2016 36. National land code amendment 3 laws of malaysia act a1516 national land code amendment act 2016 an act to amend the national land code.
Evidence amendment act 2016 38. Penal code amendment sexual offences act 2016. Amendment of section 41 part xiv amendment of the mental health act cap. National information and communication technology amendment act 2016 39.
Valuation amendment act 2016 33. Local land services amendment act 2016 no 64 nsw schedule 1 amendment of local land services act 2013 no 51 environment agency head means the chief executive of the office of environment and heritage. Land titles amdt act 2016. Appropriation judiciary services 2017 act 2016 36.
Criminal code amendment act 2016 35. Land management na tive vegetation code means a land management native vegetation code made under division 5 and in force. Nlc act 56 of 1965 ver 1 0. The publication of this act is for the sole purpose of reference only.
1 this act may be cited as the national land code amendment act 2016. National land code act 56 of 1965 disclaimer. Customs valuation act 2009. Criminal procedure code amendment act 2009.
National land transport amendment bill b7 2016. By federal government gazette p u b 527 2016 and federal government gazette p u b 531 2016 both dated 21 december 2016 the nlc amendment act came into operation in the peninsular malaysia and the federal territory of labuan on 1 january 2017 with the exception of sections 34 35 45 48 49 56 and 76 thereof. Amendment of the second schedule part xv amendment of the national kiswahili council act cap. Now therefore pursuant to clause 4 of article 76 of.
The written laws miscellaneous amendment no 2 act 4 part xiii amendment of the land disputes courts cap.